Robo-Shooter Elite

by xXLiteGamingXx



Do you enjoy ads? because here at xXLiteGamingXx, this game and for every future game we will NOT Implement Ads. This is a new first person shooter build; the objective is to eliminate every robot around on the map. There are 3 types of weapons to choose from, even a jetpack to fly over your enemies! There is even a/an "Invincible" Mode for new fps beginners and for players who just want to have fun! More updates of an all-out warfare military base map are in the works as well, new weapons, maybe you could figure out a way to have robots on your side? New Robots, and bosses. BIGGER Maps coming!! Stay tuned for Robo-Shooter Elite 2! thank you and enjoy the game! For better performance use an Xbox-one controller for ALL android devices! makes it so much more fun!